Backblaze Saves a Marriage

Backblaze online backup saves marriage

Ok, maybe not quite the marriage…but at least the sanity leading up to it.

My friend Vlad was planning his wedding recently and posted this on Facebook a couple days before the actual event:

Vlad is grateful for Backblaze…phew

I asked him what happened and wanted to share his reply:

we’ve been going *nuts* over the last few weeks finishing last minute details, running errands, etc etc. it’s been exhausting and tonight i’m practically delirious. while putting the last minute touches on our wedding playlist… a playlist we’ve spent hours on btw, i accidentally deleted it. gone! holy crap. seriously, i was ready to kill someone, maybe myself… i was totally exasperated. but luckily, i was able to download the old itunes file from backblaze…. oh man.

if it wasn’t for that, my sanity would be gone now. i dont know how long it would take to re-make the playlist, not to mention, i’m sure
we would have forgotten a bunch of songs. phew!

actually, backblaze has saved us multiple times now. both jamie and i have had our computers totally die on us and were able to recover everything using backblaze, and now this playlist issue too. it’s a lifesaver!

Glad that we could help and congratulations again!


About Gleb Budman

Gleb Budman is a co-founder and has served as our chief executive officer since 2007, guiding the business from its inception in a Palo Alto apartment to a company serving customers in more than 175 countries with over an exabyte of data under management. Gleb has served as a member of our board of directors since 2009 and as chairperson since January 2021. Prior to Backblaze, Gleb was the senior director of product management at SonicWall and the vice president of products at MailFrontier, which was acquired by SonicWall. Before that, he served in a senior position at Kendara, which was acquired by Excite@Home, and previously founded and successfully exited two other startup companies.